Ludie Tilerin Joseph Bio!

profile imageHello, my name is Ludie Joseph Tileirn, I was born in Haiti, move to the United States when I was 11 years old from there I’ve earned my high school diploma and I’ve been married for 11 years and I have four beautiful kids. Although that was many years ago now I’m currently a Full Sail student to earn my Bachelor degree in Entertainment Business. My interest is working with children and youth. I do a lot of volunteering service with my local church as youth council and event management for the youth ministry. I also enjoy reading novels like mystery novels and romance novels. I think about the future all the time and where I would want to be in the next five year from now. Well in five I would like to have my success business. I have a few years management experience; I’ve managed Q City Record Company in Fort Lauderdale with my brother in law. However, that when I fell in love with that side of the music industry. Now I hope to own recording studio once I graduate from Full Sail. Some of the skills I’ve obtains through school to manage my own recording studio are finance management, marketing, business law and economics. Full Sail has papered me to be confident and take control of my future.

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